Jason Orloske » Meet The Executives’ Club

Current Members of The Executives’ Club of Fargo-Moorhead are listed chronologically, by their joining date, beginning August 14, 2015



Jason Orloske

Founder Bridge The Gap Consulting, LLC
Fargo North Dakota Work #: 701-566-9052 Member since: May 13, 2020 Website: BTG Consulting.biz Blog: BTG Consulting Blog
Photo of Jason Orloske

Biographical Info

Hometown: Hastings, Minnesota
Red Wing High
U of Wisconsin – River Falls
University of Mary
Member 240 | May 13, 2020


BTG was started with the mission to Bridge the Gap between organizational vision and reality.  I’m passionate about helping companies, teams and individuals be successful and deliver value.  My commitment is to help simplify the complex.

At the end of the day, I call myself a “Helper.”

My Values Include:

  • Create More Value Than I Capture – I help companies deliver their big, audacious goals that allow them to grow.  I’m here to create far greater value than I capture in compensation.
  • Harness the Power of Teams to Color Outside the Lines – sometimes a situation requires we look at alternatives to solve complex problems.  Harness the collective wisdom and power of the team to color outside the lines.
  • Communication is My Customer Service – and it’s market driven!  I communicate frequently, clearly, and honestly with our clients and teams.  I’m not afraid to have tough conversations and will offer options whenever possible.
  • Be Better, Not Bigger – The question I ask is, what can I do to make my business better?  By asking this instead of how I can grow my business larger, I focus on my client’s success and ensure they are meeting their strategic goals and maximize value.  I’m usually the quiet one who’s internally motivated to make a difference without shouting!
  • Keep Agile at All Times – processes are great for consistency and repeatability.  However, they are not unbreakable rules to be followed.  Processes are tailored to each company and team, understanding organizational agility and process flexibility are critical to ever-evolving business landscapes.
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Updated 4 days ago.